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許  偉  揚




National Chiao Tung University Master of Architecture


Current position

上海全聯恆康設計顧問有限公司 / 設計總監

台北全聯建築機構 / 設計部主持人

台北瓦建國際設計有限公司  / 創辦人

台灣淡江大學建築學系 / 兼任講師

台北市溫泉發展協會 / 理事

WA Construction Design International Ltd. / Founder

Tamkang University Department of Architecture / lecturer

Taipei Hotspring Development Association Taipei / director



Brief Intro

許偉揚曾經獲得《台中市政府》所舉辦的台灣塔概念設計國際競圖 優選(25國,237組團隊參與)與 高雄港站文化保存與都市再發展國際徵圖 佳作(18國,170團隊參與)。並於瓦建國際設計有限公司擔任設計總監時,2011年受資策會委託臺北世界設計大展資策會館 (未來教室) 展館整體設計規劃權、以及參與中國山東台兒莊古城園區文史館規劃細部設計工作 (中國湖南大學建築系&台灣交大建築所劉育東研究室 )。2017取得LVMH集團珠寶鐘錶事業群台北總部設計。2016年加入UPGA全聯建築團隊提供全方位的服務。


WeiYang Hsu has won " The Taichung City Government ," organized by the Taiwan Tower Conceptual Design International competition to preferred ( 25, 237 teams involved in the group ) and Kaohsiung station cultural preservation and urban redevelopment international levy FIG masterpiece (18 countries , 170 teams participate ) . When and in WA Construction Design International Ltd. as a design director, in 2011 commissioned by the Institute for Information Industry Information Industry Taipei World Design Exhibition Hall (the future classroom) Pavilion overall design and planning right , and the participation of China , Shandong Taierzhuang city park WenShiGuan planning detail design work ( Department of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University , Hunan University, China & Taiwan Liu, YuDong buildings Research) . 2017 made LVMH Group jewelry watch business group headquarters in Taipei design”.2016 Trans Union joined UPGA construction teams provide a full range of services.

Awards & PRESS

中國好設計 優勝獎

德國紅點舉辦 2016年中國好設計獎



Taiwan Tower Conceptual Design Inter

Merit Award

old dog Station ( Kaohsiung station

Merit Award

Singapore/Home Concepts

China/The Annual Vol.2

China/Essence of Show Flat

China/Modem Decortion No.204

Taiwan/Sweet Home No.385

Taiwan/La Vie No.88

Ⓒ COPYRIGHT 2018 UPGA @ WA-Archi Co. ,Ltd. ALL RIGHT RESERVED / 全聯建築技術機構-瓦建國際設計有限公司

+886-936-122-055  |

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