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WeiYang Hsu has won " The Taichung City Government ," organized by the Taiwan Tower Conceptual Design International competition to preferred ( 25, 237 teams involved in the group ) and Kaohsiung station cultural preservation and urban redevelopment international levy FIG masterpiece (18 countries , 170 teams participate ) . When and in WA Construction Design International Ltd. as a design director, in 2011 commissioned by the Institute for Information Industry Information Industry Taipei World Design Exhibition Hall (the future classroom) Pavilion overall design and planning right , and the participation of China , Shandong Taierzhuang city park WenShiGuan planning detail design work ( Department of Architecture, National Chiao Tung University , Hunan University, China & Taiwan Liu, YuDong buildings Research) . In 2014, has gotten a chance to design the hotel for the“Chine Group”.

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